The last week has been so crazy, and by the time you’re reading this, I’ll be on my way to the airport back home!! How insane is it to think that I’ve been here for a week!? Well anyway, I went to Brighton and got to photograph London Fashion Weekend this week, so you all should watch my last 2 vlogs to see all I did!! I really enjoyed going to Brighton for a little getaway after LFW because it was so fast. I wasn’t used to it, but I loved it! Brighton was a great way for me to leave the city and see something new! I cannot wait to explore more of England when I come back next time!
As of 2019, I’ve no longer continued the Youtube channel, but you are welcome to rewatch old videos here! There might be more videos one day, but as of 2021, it is on permanent hiatus. Thank you for watching and staying tuned. I hope that all of you enjoy rewatching these videos like this vlog from London. Even today, London is one of my favorite cities. This vlog is from one of my first trips to the city and I love looking back at this.