When life happens, sometimes the vlogs get short. I’m being consistent, but man, getting back into the swing of life after that trip has messed with my head! This one is shorter than normal, but they’re back to normal next week! I’m excited to share more of this with you all, what I got up to and everything else. Sorry this vlog is short, but hopefully there will be longer ones! Fashion week prep is keeping me super busy. This business doesn’t leave me a lot of time to chill. Which also doesn’t leave me time to vlog! I hope that you enjoy the vlog though, regardless of the length! Let me know in the comments below!
As of 2019, I’ve no longer continued the Youtube channel, but you are welcome to rewatch old videos here! There might be more videos one day, but as of 2021, it is on permanent hiatus. Thank you for watching and staying tuned. I hope that all of you enjoy rewatching these videos like this one. They are great videos that give a little window into who I am even as I just focus on writing! Let me know if you do enjoy them still!