My school has many traditions, simple to say. One of the big ones is what we call rip day. We have uniforms (that 99% of the students hate), so on the seniors’ last day, we all literally rip our uniforms off and toss them into a tree!! Our school’s uniform rip day tradition is one of the best days and all of the seniors look forward to it! It’s a big celebration of the fact that we never have to wear uniforms again and it’s utter chaos at times!! It was the only time I get to do it myself, so I wanted to make memories of it! It’s one of our last hoorah’s before graduation!
You can watch my Youtube vlog about the day below or here on my Youtube channel right now!
As of 2019, I’ve no longer continued the Youtube channel, but you are welcome to rewatch old videos here! There might be more videos one day, but as of 2021, it is on permanent hiatus. Thank you for watching and staying tuned. I hope that all of you enjoy rewatching these videos like this one. They are great videos that give a little window into who I am even as I just focus on writing! Let me know if you do enjoy them still!