IFTTT is a social site that uses one trigger action to send out pulses to other media sites. Once I connected my social media networks, I saw that I could easily connect my Blogger account (now my WordPress site) to Twitter, Tumblr, or even my Facebook page!! IFTTT uses “recipes” to specify what post or alert to send where. When I post a new blog post, I have it set to blast out to you all on Twitter, Tumblr, & Facebook!! I also use IFTTT for Instagram. When I post on Instagram, you all get a lovely picture from my Insta, not just a link! This app is perfect for anyone interested in adding automation to their lives.
If you’re interested in using IFTTT for your own blog, you can go to their site at www.ifttt.com and make your own recipes OR use your Android or iPhone and download the app for free!! Let me know if you use it in the comments below!
Jordan, this is a lifesaver!!! Downloading it immediately! Xx