As promised, here’s another video from my awesome Spring Break in Orlando!! This next one is about the second day, aka the day that we went to Universal’s new Harry Potter addition and I died…it was great!! I have always been a big fan of the movies, so being able to go to Harry Potter Studios was a great way to cap off our time. It’s beautiful and literally everything I could ask for! My little nerd heart exploded a few times! If you’ve been, let me know what your favorite part is! If you haven’t let me know which part of the video you enjoyed most! I hope you’re enjoying this series! Watch all of the fun below!! x
As of 2019, I’ve no longer continued the Youtube channel, but you are welcome to rewatch old videos here! There might be more videos one day, but as of 2021, it is on permanent hiatus. Thank you for watching and staying tuned. I hope that all of you enjoy rewatching these videos like this video. These videos give you a window into who I am as a creator. I hope that you can rewatch them and it inspires you!