My school’s Homecoming is this week, and today was theme day. As a junior, my class chose nerds, and I tried my this past weekend to find something insanely nerdy, but I couldn’t do it. So last night, I went out and bought this outfit, except for the shoes. Being a nerd for homecoming wasn’t hard because at heart, I am a nerd. Now I know that’s normally not the “cool” thing from high schoolers, but I’m not ashamed of it! This sweater from TJ Maxx is just a way for me to show off my label and I’m proud of it! Here’s to all of us who embrace being nerdy and I hope everyone can take pride in their nerdiness!

It’s all from TJ Maxx, and incredibly priced and all of the pieces are things that I can pull together to make an outfit like this, or something separate that looks really cute! I seem more hipster (it was another class’ theme) than nerdy, but I liked the look overall and I got lots of comments on it! There are more pictures and links to each piece below so take a look x
Hi!!! Actually the only thing I paid for on my site was the hosting and the URL!! It’s really simple to set up and I can help you through it if you email me!! x