Makeup and hair are often time consuming aspects of every girl’s life, but with this quick tutorial, I’ve got a great everyday look perfect for the girl on the go! It’s taken me forever to figure out how to make my hair work for me! This video is just how I make it work! Watch it below and even leave me a comment!! It took me forever to get my everyday makeup look down, but I wanted to share with you here! If you’re interested in how I get ready as a college student, you can find my routine here and implement it in your life! This is just what helps me get out of the door everyday, while still looking cute!
As of 2019, I’ve no longer continued the Youtube channel, but you are welcome to rewatch old videos here! There might be more videos one day, but as of 2021, it is on permanent hiatus. Thank you for watching and staying tuned. I hope that all of you enjoy rewatching these videos like this vlog from London. Even today, London is one of my favorite cities. This vlog is from one of my first trips to the city and I love looking back at this.